What can I win?

You can win vacations, flat screen televisions, games consoles, weekend breaks, cameras, mobile phones, computers and even cars, but there are still plenty of contests where you can win money and coupons too!   These prizes will come directly to you. We just save you time and effort by entering your details in the contests.


Why should I subscribe - I can enter on my own?

Because you've got better things to do!  If you enjoy spending your time entering contests, and that's your hobby, then that's fine. But if you'd rather be in with the same chance of winning as those people, and spend your precious spare time in other ways, then ContestWinsOnline is for you.

Entering contests online sounds like it should take moments, but if you've ever done a few, you'll know that locating a contest to enter, submitting all your details, supplying the correct trivia answers, making sure you haven't missed the closing date, and avoiding the 'Can we contact you with more information' boxes, can take longer than you think.

Now imagine doing that over and over again, and suddenly you're spending hours locked away in front of the computer, when ContestWinsOnline members are being entered into the same contests automatically, and spending their time with their friends and family or on their other hobbies.


How many Contests will you enter me into?

We are often asked how many contests we will enter you for, although this varies monthly and also depends on what prizes you would like to win. If you want to be entered into every type of contest you can expect to be entered into 125 contests or more a month, and on occasions we have exceeded 300 entries a month.


What are the types of prizes on offer?

We've grouped prizes into the following categories:

Arts & Crafts                                Books & Magazines                                 Boats

Bicycles & Motorbikes                 Cameras & Camcorders                           Cars

Cash & Vouchers                         Computer                                                Digital Radios

DVDs                                          Electrical Goods                                       Event Tickets

Extreme Activities                        Fashion & Clothing                                 Food & Drink

Foreign Vacations                         Games Consoles                                       Health & Beauty

Home Entertainment                  Home & Garden                                      Jewellery & Watches

Kids                                            Mobile Telephones                                    Motoring Accessories

Music                                          Office                                                      Personal Music Players

Sport                                           Televisions                                                Vacations

Foreign Weekend Breaks             Activity Vacations                                     Spa Breaks

Canada Weekend Breaks


Will I get bombarded with marketing information?

We always choose the 'No additional information please' options for you but organisers run contests to attract more business so we strongly recommend you use a separate contest email address so your home inbox doesn't fill up with Spam.

We also promise never to pass on or use your details for anything other than entering contests for you.

Some contests require us to sign-up to email newsletters to enter.  Don't worry - simply unsubscribe when the first one arrives.


What information will you enter into the Contests?

We will enter the information you provided to us on the sign up page, just as if you had entered it yourself.


Do you do multiple entries in one contest? I've heard they can be excluded.

No. Only other contest entry services submit hundreds of entries into the same contest website in the space of a few minutes. It is obvious to the promoters that these are multiple entries and will almost always be ignored. ContestWinsOnline operate in a different way, with contests being entered individually just for you. Of course, this takes us much longer but we believe the results on our winners page speak for themselves.


Will you tell me if I'm a winner?

No. In fact, we won't even know.  When you win, the contest organisers will contact you directly using the contact details you provided to us, or via your entrant's mailbox. You should check your mailbox regularly to see if you have won and to ensure it is not removed through lack of use.

When you do win though, please do tell us! We love updating our winners board!


Do you enter Contests with 'Captchas'?

Yes. In fact some of our best wins have been in Captcha protected contests.

Captchas are the jumbled text you see in some contests to try to make it difficult for systems like ours to enter the contests for you, but our system uses advanced algorithms to solve the puzzles for you, and therefore we can enter you into contests that no-one else can, giving you an even better chance to win.

ContestWinsOnline is the only free contest entry service that will complete Captchas for you.

How do I amend my membership details?

If you move house or change the email details you gave to us then please let us know using the Contact page and we'll make the changes for you right away, and of course at no charge.


Who can join?

Any resident who lives in the USA or Canada over the age of 18 can join.  We can also only accept one application per household.  We make these restrictions only because they are common to almost every contest we discover. 

How can I cancel my subscription with ContestWinsOnline? 

You can cancel your agreement without giving any reason anytime you want. Simply message us on our contacts page.

Why you can trust ContestWinsOnline

We've been running ContestWinsOnline for 4 years now and remain committed to offering the best service to our customers at the most competitive price. We value your custom and will always treat you the way we would like to be treated ourselves.  But here's a few things we won't do:

  • We won't sell your details to anyone else.

  • We won't abuse your home email details and fill your inbox with Spam.

  • We won't fill our website with unrelated advertisements and broken links

  • We won't promise to enter you in an unverifiable number of Contests

  • We won't hold a grudge if you decide to leave.


Remember, someone MUST win these prizes, why shouldn't it be you?